When my graduate studies neared completion, I began my search for a regular job. I started with post-docs and fellowships, which is pretty standard when you're following the path towards an academic tenure-track position. However, I didn't have much success and decided that a break from heavy research might be good, so I looked for other teaching/tutoring positions or jobs in industry rather than academia. In May 2005, I was contacted by INNOVIM about a Software Engineer position they had open. They liked my science background and were looking for that more so than a straight computer scientist, so when I got an offer, I accepted it. It's a bit of a change, especially since the work is more in the Earth science field, but it's good opportunity that's helping to develop my skills and providing experience in some new areas. Since then, I've been promoted to Senior Staff Scientist, had a title change to Senior Systems Engineer/Scientist, and been promoted to Principal Systems Engineer/Scientist. The vast majority of the time so far, I've worked on contract at NASA (see below), but now work on contract at NOAA (see below) and have also spent some time with INNOVIM's Business Development department as a Business Development Specialist, performing a variety of tasks including identifying, researching, and tracking opportunities, proposal management, proposal development, and generally helping out where needed with business development activities.
I currently work as a contractor in the
Office of Space Weather Observations (SWO)
under the
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Services (NESDIS) department
of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
This is a joint program with the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
who is providing office space, so (luckily for me) I'm still based at the
Goddard Space Flight Center.
Some of the main parts of the SWO work involve the
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 19 (GOES-19),
the Space Weather Follow-On at Lagrange point 1 (SWFO-L1), and
the Space Weather Next (SW Next) program.
Previously, I worked with the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2
(ICESat-2) mission's
Project Science Office (PSO) and their Science Computing Facility (SCF),
the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
instrument group on documenting the implementation of science
MODIS algorithms
that produce
MODIS data products.
I was originally hired to work on a
Software Reuse project, which
also has a
Reuse WG Facebook Group, a
Reuse WG LinkedIn Group,
and a Reuse WG Twitter Feed
for those who want additional sources of news and interaction, and this was
my primary task for about six years. My work on this task also earned me
the Reuse WG's peer-recognition award in the peer education category in 2010.
(See the web logo image below.)
While at Goddard, I also worked on some other tasks to a lesser extent, including doing some programming and web development for an element of the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (previously called the NPOESS Preparatory Project) and providing some assistance to the systems engineering team, assisting in the development of the Ozone and Air Quality web site for ozone data and information which is basically a new version of the old TOMS web site, helping to provide more complete documentation of the TOMS ozone retrieval algorithm, and assisting in an outreach project for the ESIP Federation. I also served as International Faculty on the International Institute for Interoperability Science which was in formation under the direction of Michael Leyton of Rutgers University for a long time, but it seems like it was not successfully formed.
Ideally, I'd like to get back into my original field of astronomy, and doing so at NASA Goddard would be great. Hopefully one of these days I'll get that chance.
On a related note, I am a member of a few different professional societies and have been in the astronomy and physics societies longer than the others. For some other work-related info about me, mainly related to publications, the following sites might be of interest: my Academia.edu profile, my Google Scholar Citations, my ORCID profile, my ResearcherID profile, and my ReseachGate profile.
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